Childhood was founded in 1999 by H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden, who felt a compelling need to address the social, emotional and material poverty of children around the world. Over the last five years the organizations has grown to support 90 programs in 15 countries. The Foundation´s offices are found in Stockholm/Sweden, Berlin/Germany, Sao Paulo/Brazil, and New York/USA.
Every child has a right to a childhood, to security, joy, playfulness and curiosity about life. Everyone has the right to grow up and develop socially and intellectually. But many children are deprived of these, their most fundamental rights. They are neglected, abandoned, abused and violated in unacceptable ways. They never have a chance to live a fulfilling life.
The mission of World Childhood Foundation is to defend the rights of the child and to promote better living conditions for vulnerable and exploited children at risk all over the world. The World Childhood Foundation wants to give all children the opportunity to develop into strong, secure and responsible human beings.
Present focus
The present focus of World Childhood Foundation is to protect children from being sexually abused and exploited, with special attention to the needs of girls and young mothers.
Key efforts are directed towards assisting children in Brazil, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Ukraine and the United States. Other areas and countries may be identified for future support.
The World Childhood Foundation identifies, reviews and supports existing projects and efforts that are aligned with its mission. The Foundation also works actively to raise public awareness about children’s rights and how vulnerable and exploited children are suffering in various parts of the world.